Friday 11 November 2011

Kill Paper

This morning I sat down at my desk and looked at a scrap of paper that I had there that basically said Stop Sign on it scribbled.   Next to it was a phone number and that was it.  I had no idea what it was related to.  However since I started using Evernote this is happening less and less as I made a conscious decision to become more and more electronic with my notes and data as I move around a lot.  I also have started to use Dropbox more and more as I am collaborating with more and more people.  The secret however is consistency and developing a filing and writing style that allows you to keep your life both work and social organised.  Time is precious these days and having lots of dirty post-its and scribbled notes just does not help you make the most of your time.

My goal is to be 5% more effective this month through use of tools and effective note taking.  I am also now using the Pomodoro technique to focus on improving my project note taking and overall approach to my work day.

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