Thursday 19 March 2009

1000 Updates - Confessions of a Twitterhollic

As this is my 1000th update on Twitter I had thought of doing a thoughtful well written piece on social media Twitter.  But I quickly gave that up as there are hundreds of sites out there shouting out this type of information so whoosh into the bin.

So I thought back to the places where I have sent tweets from to date.  Here are a few that I admit to at least (the bathroom story will have to wait)

In Hospital

I was visiting someone in hospital last week with my wife and as she chatted and my interest in the conversation lagged., my hand drifted to my IPhone and I quietly opened Tweetie.  I saw a Tweet that interested me and quickly re-tweeted it.  Fix complete I returned my dutiful stare to the conversation.  Fix complete.  They thought I was sending an SMS, dream on - SMS is sooo 90s!!

Stuck In Traffic

Most mornings I spend a little time stuck in traffic - same place every time - unfortunately it is in a 3G blackspot but I still manage a couple of Tweets as I edge along slowly.  Don't tell the police please, but my followers are screaming out for those critical stuck in traffic the updates.

First Thing  in the Morning - Last Thing at Night

I open up Twitter first thing in the AM and last thing at night (which is often the AM these days as well) and check my Tweets and more often not send a quick tweet or response to messages.  Right after brushing my teeth maybe even during.  When will they make an IPhone that brushes teeth?


Boring I know but in the evenings Tweetdeck is on all the time while I work on my web projects, study for my BA in Spanish or just plain surf the web. 


I tweeted from the middle of an empty beach last week in Kerry.  Beautiful view of Mount Brandon and of course had to be shared with my followers.  Snap picture.  Quick tweet.  Now back to the view.

What sort of places have you tweeted from?

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