Wednesday 18 February 2009

Tweetie Review - Iphone Application

In recent weeks I have started using Twitter and am a bit addicted to it to be honest as with my IPhone glued to my hand nearly every waking hour I like to see what is happening out there in the Web 2.0 cloud (is there such a phrase?). I used to be a user of MSN Messenger but Twitter goes a lot further as it allows you form contacts with people with similar interests as you.  I was using Twitterific a free application on my IPhone but it lacked a few features that I needed which may not be ones that other people look for but I really liked.

I have not purchased a lot of applications for my IPhone (2-3 in total) but Tweetie caught my eye and for the price I thought it was worth a try.  Overall I am vary happy with it and here are some of the things I like and a couple I dislike about it.

1. Multiple Accounts

Tweetie allows you to have multiple accounts.  Before I got it I hadn't even considered using multiple accounts on Twitter but now I have a couple for different purposes (friends, blog updates and one for blatant pushing of my fab web sites !!)

2. Easy To Read

It is easier to read on my IPhone and clearly shows the different type of tweets that you have received.  So at a glance you can scroll through and see the relevant messages out there.

3. Search/Trends

It has a nice Search and Trends function with the Trends showing what are the hot to pics out on the Twittisphere.  I like this as with Search it helps me look for people interested in similar topics.

4. Go To User

It allows you to quickly to jump to a specific user and find out what they are tweeting about.  I use this if I see a speciic name that looks interesting and I then can see if they are worth following.

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