Monday 10 October 2011

The End of Printing As We Know It?

Soon there will be mass migration of love to the new iPhone 4S and with it people will discover that in their hands now they have a very powerful device that is also a pretty powerful camera and video recorder.  If you look back even 5 years (an age in Internet and technology time) most entry level cameras and smartphones didn't even posses a fraction of this power.  As a result even more photos and video will now be taken and the knock on will be the online sharing through social media and online free and paid storage site like Flickr and  YouTube.

I have an iPad and now use it exclusively for showing everyone my photos online or occasionally on the local storage and haven't printed a phot in an age.  I think it makes solid sense to set up both a Flickr and a YouTube account for your media as it is free and always on.  I envisage with the iPhone 4S that I will take much more photos and share them much more.  The quality of my iPhone 3 is terrible and I literally have hundreds of sub standard photos.  

I have seen the quality of the existing iPhone 4 and with the new 8 megapixel camera I think that it will attract the 3X crowd.  I am now sure why someone with an existing iPhone 4 would want to make this upgrade and sign up for a plan that would tie to them to a contract with a possible iPhone 5 in 8-12 months then coming out.

What are you going to do?

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