Thursday 6 October 2011

RIP Steve Jobs

I was awake at 2AM this morning doing some work as I couldn't sleep when I read the news online about Steve Jobs.  I was genuinely sad to hear it.  I like many millions of people became an a full Apple fan when the iPod came along and now I own the full iPxxxx range and all my kids have iPod touches.

I recalled when I was 12 a friend of mine had an Apple II as he had broken his leg and we spent the whole summer programming and playing games on it.  It was the age of tiny RAM and HUGE diskettes.  We thought we were kings of tech.  Since then I have worked with many operating systems and seen the evolution of Mac and PC and I have worked with many of the multinationals that came about as a result of the ideas of Jobs and Gates.

If it wasn't for that summer with the Apple it may never have happened.  I never met you nor would I ever had but goodbye Steve it is fair to say that there will never be someone like you again on this earth.

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