Friday 21 October 2011

Switch Off Friday

Today is switch off Friday.  Resolve to move away from any technical device. phone or laptop.  Put it down.  Avoid the TV.  Grab a book put your feet up and develop the powers of concentration that tech can often take away from yo.  I was reading about the Pomodoro technique recently and its premise is to do 25 minutes tasks without interruption.  I think it is great and even find this hard to keep with.  I have terrible focus in the past number of years and I firmly blame spending too much time in front of a computer.

I Alt-Tab, flick from pager to page, pound out a quick blog and forget where I was.  I wrongly call it multi tasking but in the end it isn't it is just doing a lot of things poorly.  There was a lot to be said about VT100s where you had one screen and had to tap away and changing focus took a lot of time to do as it involved many combinations.  

Take a break and look at  for information on this fun and valuable method of concentration.

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